Green Arrow!

Every superhero universe needs an archer,I guess.Even Gi joe has Scarlett ,who somewhat qualifies with her cross bow.DC's archer Is none other than Green Arrow.A fitting name.I think that's what bugged me about DC growing up.The lack of original aliases.Like ,no thought was put into them.If a character wore a red costume then he would be red "so and so". The "Green" Lantern.The "Blue" Beetle.This guy will be an ocean themed hero so we'll call him  "Aqua" Man!See where I'm going with this?I'm pretty sure The Flash was one raised arm away from being called  Fast Man.I know,this Is a post about a DC action figure and here I am bashing the brand.To be fair,Marvel has done the same on certain occasions but not nearly as often.But enough banter and on with the figure. I've put off collecting DC Infinite Heroes recently so It's nice to add another one.DC has little to no representation In my collection so I'm glad that I've been able to finally add some familiar faces from the universe.

I still think Marvel Universe figures are far more superior to the Infinite Heroes line .I don't mind the smaller sized figures but added articulation would have made the DC line a bit more comparable. 


  1. Are the infinite Heroes 3.75" or are they slightly larger 4.5" like the Super Powers and other 80's and 90's Kenner figures?

  2. 3 3/4" .They seem much smaller than that In hand though.I guess that was the main selling point,small action figures that would fit In your hand.I think the slogan on the hand shaped blister packaging was "An Army Of Heroes Within Your Grasp".

  3. Never knew much about Green Arrow until the tv show came out a few years ago. Gotta say... I really enjoy the show (although I haven't seen any of the current season's episodes).

    1. I almost clicked on It while surfing Netflix,or was It Hulu?Anyways,I might still.

    2. Netflix has Seasons 1-6 right now.

  4. Always admired these- their moment was just before I started collecting several yrs ago

  5. It seems like that was all It was ,too,Colin.A moment.I think their simplicity Is what made them so unique.I guess In order to compete with Marvel Universe,they dropped the lesser articulated figures and started that Multiverse line.

  6. Cool figure. Can't go wrong with archers!

    1. You really can't.They got that "knock you off from a distance" thing going for em.


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