Captain Atom!

A while back I did a post about a Captain Atom figure I had acquired , but I'm not exactly sure what line It was from, right now.Anyways,I didn't like the figure that much but loved the character and hoped to one day add   an Infinite Heroes to my collection.That endeavor has finally come to fruition! Captain Atom Is one of my favorite DC characters next to Batman and Superman.I got hooked on his 1987 run of books,starting with the 1st edition annual. That issue featured a drag out brawl between Captain Atom and another character with similar powers created by the government,Major Force. I hope to one day recoup those issues as I'd like to familiarize myself better with both characters. 


  1. I have never read a Captain Atom book before, might have to look for a cheap issue to see what's what.

    1. That annual is pretty cheap on ebay and might be worth picking up ,Jon.Too bad they dont have a TPB.At least I dont think one exists.

  2. Captain Atom was one of the Charlton Comics characters acquired by DC in the 80s. Along with Question, Blue Beetle, Peacemaker, Nightshade and Thunderbolt were the inspiration for the Watchmen! Captain Atom became Dr. Manhattan!

  3. Wow!Didn't know that!Thanks for the heads up.My knowledge of anything DC related Is very limited so every piece of info helps ;)


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