Ultra Pro Baseball Card Stands

I've been wracking my brain lately,trying to create a makeshift card display.Brainstorming for ideas and coming up empty every time.Finally I gave In and took to eBay to see what was available.I wasn't looking for anything fancy schmancy,just a small stand,strong enough to hold up one card In a top-loader.I'm not sure how many of you out there collect trading cards ,but If you do then you know that Ultra Pro has all of your trading card supply needs.Unless there's something else out there that I don't know about,Ultra Pro Is my go-to brand.Needless to say, I wasn't surprised to find this  affordable set of 5 Ultra Pro card stands for just under 5 bucks shipped!

The cards look great when displayed on the transparent stands.The stands ,however,are pretty lightweight,so you're not gonna keep anything much bigger than your standard sized top loader or screw-down from tipping over. 

I thought I might be able to display some action figure card backs on them but any and all attempts were fruitless.

The smaller card backs held up nicely.

Also,If you've got any vintage Joe file cards laying around and your looking for a decent way to display them ,these Ultra Pro card stands will do the trick.

This Is what I ended up using mine for.I got a 5 pack because anything more than that would have cluttered the display.My sole intent was to showcase some of the cards that came with the figures for reference.Although, I might pick up more to make a separate display of just sports cards .


  1. If you live anywhere near a card shop and/or have a regular card show around, you might want to check those out for better prices on these, as I can get them for 50 cents apiece or 5/$2 at the shows I go to. I never thought to try and use them for file cards, so thanks for the idea.

  2. $2 for 5 stands sounds like a great deal!Makes sense ,too,as they aren't made out of the greatest plastic.Unfortunately I don't hit up card shops often ,In fact hardly ever ,so I'm stuck with whatever I can get online.If for some reason I do find myself at a shop I'll definitely look for them.Thanks for the heads up.

  3. Thanks for the review. I've been looking for something like this for sometime and just wasn't sure if these would do it. You answered that question.

  4. No problem Bulldog.Glad I could help.These would also be great for eBay sellers looking for a way to showcase item pic.

  5. These came in handy when I displayed cards on my book shelves. These days I only use a few. The rest are stored in a box in case I ever decide to display cards again.

  6. I may pick up a couple 10 packs to display some of my favorite cards.It's alot easier than pulling out the shoe boxes or binders when I want to look at them.


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