Remember When Toys Were Actually Cool?!?

O.K. maybe the word "cool" isn't cool anymore but In the eighties,toys sure were!Which got me thinking.Should the 80's be labeled as "The Golden Age" of toys ?Try to be as unbiased as you possibly can when you answer this question.I think the 70's could duke It out all day with the 80's In a match for toy supremacy.The 90's had some o.k. stuff  but come up short imo.The 2000's brought us a ton of cool shit ,too,but that's kind of expected when you factor in technology and resource material,again, ,all thanks to  the 70's and 80's.Most of what Is out now Is rehashed from toy greatness of the past.So It's the 70's vs. the 80's.Who wins?

                    1987 Captain Power Soaron Sky Sentry


  1. I definitely think the 1980s definitely expanded things beyond what had been previously seen. Heck, I'd argue that the Golden age of toys really begins with Kenner's Star Wars (1979) and maybe ends with the introduction of Power Rangers. Not that there is anything wrong with Power Rangers but I think Bandai introduced a very different dynamic to the market. Rather than long, expansive lines of characters that all worked together Bandai kept changing scales and offering up figures in new styles that were not typically compatible with what came before. That's a pretty long period, but I think it fits. Of course, I think the introduction of Kenner's Star Wars: The POTF 2 and McFarlane's Spawn kicks off a different era, but it's an era that runs alongside "regular" toys as it's the birth of toys created without "kids" in mind.

  2. The 90s had alot of cool stuff ,Mystic Knights,skeleton Warriors,Gargoyles.Maybe its just one big battle royal,70s vs 80s vs 90s!

  3. Outside of my Star Wars action figures/vehicles and Battlestar Galactica vehicles, I don't remember too much of my toys. I know I had Legos, Tinker Toys, Erector Sets, and Tonka trucks... but somehow they just don't compare to GI Joe and Transformers (and all of the 80's SW toys). My vote goes to the 80's.

  4. I think those two properties you mentioned ,gi joe and transformers,have alot to do with that 80s toy magic.Those two cartoons may have been arguably the two most popular cartoons ...ever.A good animated cartoon series does wonders for an action figure li e and I think the 80s had alot of them.

  5. I never watched the Captain Power show, but I did have the Captain Power glow in the dark sneakers!!! Love those action figures!

  6. I watched a few episodes as a kid but the series kind of fizzled out.The show had great effects for its time and for a kids show.I would put it up against most of the original stuff sci fi channel puts out these days.

  7. I have watched all parts. It’s very good animated movie for kids as well as for adults. I like all characters and I have some star wars characters in my room and I play with them. All are awesome for me. Thanks for sharing your post. kids toys


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