
It's early 80's,and your mom decides she wants to reward you for all the hard work she thinks you've been doing in school,and takes you down to the nearest Toys R Us.There's a catch.She's being very meticulous about the figures she wants you to pick out.They have to be of the 3 3/4 variety and of the same brand/universe.She wants to teach you a lesson about the real world because,according to her, In the real world G.I. Joe doesn't mix with Star Wars.He-Man doesn't get down with Captain Power and Marvel Is better than DC so you definitely don't want to integrate those two universes.That's when you realize your mom's not playing with a full deck but that's besides the point.There are far more serious matters to attend.The ball's In your court now.In front of you  are rows and rows of  ....

Secret Wars
Kenner DC Super Powers
G.I. Joe
Star Wars (leftover stragglers on clearance)
Captain Power
and D&D .

What do you go for and why?


  1. I would have to go with Secret Wars. I love the characters and the lenticular shields were AMAZING!!! I hope they have symbiote suit Spider-Man, Captain America, Wolverine, Doctor Octopus and Dr. Doom there!!!!

  2. That's a good choice.And you should be able to come away with most of the figures ,the line wasn't big at all. Like 10 or 12 figures in all?

  3. No brainer. Star Wars. I collected GI Joe too, but I owned way more SW action figures back in the day.

  4. That would have been my choice ,too,Fuji.Wanna know why?They were on clearance!As a kid I always wanted more bang for my buck and I'd walk out with an armful of Star Wars figures over a handful of Joes anyday.

  5. There was always room to grow in my Joe collection. Definitely would have jumped all over the opportunity to get more of those.

    I dare say, despite not having any vehicles, that my Joe collection is larger now than it was as a kid.

  6. Im always clamouring on about how Id love to get my childhood collection back but looking at what I have now ,im pretty satisfied.


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