My Marvel Superheroes ToyBiz Collection ,So Far

This Is a line that I will try collecting MOC or loose but as mint as possible.Also,they will have to be complete.Of course the minute this  becomes  to tall of a task then we can go ahead and throw everything I just stated In the first sentence out the window.


  1. Good stuff. I used to own so many of these in the 90's!

  2. They really pack a nostalgia punch.Not the best action figure representations ,but It's that quirkiness that adds to the charm.

  3. I hated that version of Spidey. The multi articulated one in series 2 is great though.

    1. Me too!I might pick up that articulated one just for kicks one day.It reminds me a G.I. Joe figure ,only bigger.

  4. Best of luck on this project! Approximately how many different ones were produced?

    1. Thanks Fuji.Toy Biz made a bunch of figures from the Marvel universe.I'll only be adding the more mainstream characters i.e. Captain America,Dr.Doom etc.


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