All Of My Gaming Systems

The top three pics are of systems (Sega,Wii,Xbox) that I have plugged into a three tier table In my dining room.They come In handy when I'm waiting for something to cook In the oven.They are connected to a small hd tv that I like to turn on while eating dinner with the fam.Even though they hate it because there's no cable there ,just an antenna so all I watch are old 80's programming on those retro tv channels.Of course I just love It :)

My Ps1 Is stashed right now since I have the PS3 hooked up ,I can play Ps games on there.

The 360 belongs to my daughter but It too is stashed In her room right now until we can get her a decent tv to hook It up to.Shes more of a PC gamer anyways.

Last but not least,the closest to next gen In my system collection ,the PS3.

Not pictured Is an old N64 unit that I also have stashed but Is missing all of the hook ups and controllers.One day I will complete It.


  1. Replies
    1. The N64 was a fun system.It made me go out and buy my first television set .

  2. Replies
    1. Scattered throughout.Some on shelves In my living room and some on my toy shelves.

  3. I don't have any of my old school systems hooked up. Just my PS4. But if I did... I'd go with my Genesis. Kinda wanna play some old school NHL, Madden, or Road Rash.

    1. Road Rash Is unplayable for me right now.The frame rate makes my brain wonky.The NHL and Madden games are still flawless and very playable.The only problem with those games are the dead batteries that will make It impossible to save your season.Unless you know how to change them ,you'll be playing single exhibition games.It's not difficult to change those batteries ,though.I learned how to do it on Youtube.Just takes a little patience .

    2. If I ever do set up my Genesis... I'll need to figure out the whole battery thing. No way, I'm gonna sit around and play exhibition games. I've gotta rack up those touchdowns and goals. ;)

    3. No way,I love me some stats!It's season play or nothing.

  4. Cool systems! I only have a 360 and NES classic edition (mini).

    1. Ooooh that classic console is on my want list along with the Snes one.BTW-Your MOTU figs will go out Friday ;)

    2. I love my Nes, I play dr mario and mario 3 often lol. One day I might get the snes to as I only had an Atari, Nes, SNES, Gameboy, and game gear as a kid so future systems except for maybe game boy wouldn;t interest me (though I hear N64 might be coming very soon!)

      And awesome one the MOTU's heading here soon ;)


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