Marvel Toybiz 12" Spider-Man

When last Brothermidnight and I conducted a trade ,this guy made It into my collection.At first I didn't know what to make of It .But after holding it in my hands and playing around with It a bit,I fell in love!This thing is solid.Standing at a whopping 12 inches tall.Mighty chunky and far from wimpy. In fact I'd say It's pretty hefty.


Damn!So cool!And It's made out of durable good old fashioned action figure plastic.I miss being able to play with a toy without worrying about breaking something.


I wish one of his hands was a balled up fist.I'm sure I would have been able to put him In some cool punching poses.

Bikram Yoga  ,anyone? Hmmmmmmmmm...

It's comparison time!Wait,I've heard that before...

Thanks Brother ;) I'll be getting around to the rest of that awesomeness when I get some time. 


  1. I had that Spiderman a long time , I have a Hulk thats in scale with him with the same style articulation that I love.


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