Controversial.... Friday?

I've noticed on certain blogs I'll leave a comment and never get a reply from the author.Not just occasionally,but never.In fact ,It's not just my comments that go unanswered ,but everyone else's ,too lol.This happens on alot of sites.Sites that I enjoy ,but would like even more If at least one of my comments got a reply.I don't want to start putting people on blast so I'll leave the names of these sites out of this post.Also,this isn't about outing these blogs,but more or less just getting a gauge on how others feel about It.I understand people lead busy lives and ,really,aren't obligated to reply .But man,sometimes I feel like a peasant .I can understand If you're a professional news site,like Yahoo or   Google In which case replies aren't expected.It kind of irks me,though.Again,nothing against the authors ,they could be  model citizens for all I know.I don't know them personally so I can't judge their character.Anyone else bothered by this?How do you feel about non-replies?


  1. I try to always reply back to comments although often I do them all at once. To be honest, a lot of times I write quite a few posts at once and then schedule them, then come back and write a few more. Other times I never see notifications that I have new comments or they get caught in the spam filter so I don't respond until I "release" the comments. I do try to answer or respond to everyone at my site, though.

  2. Exactly.At least you try to reply.Some sites seem to just go the route of an online news article,where they expect you to comment but not receive a reply.I remember when blogs used to be a place for conversation.I can understand If the comment Is rhetorical ,then yeah I wouldn't expect a reply for that.I have also heard of the notorious comment bug where you don't receive notification.That could be It as well.

  3. I try my best to reply but some get through the cracks or I have no clue what to say (like in some replies like "Awesome." I love that the person commented and want them to continue but do I really need to reply to that? lol)

    I agree though that it can be frustrating when the blogger NEVER replies. That's when I stop commenting myself and sometimes loose interest in the blog entirely. I might be in a minority but I LOVE when I get comments. When I get 0 I feel like the readers don;t like that post. Now days I don't let it bother me as much. I mention that because if you don;t reply then commenters usually stop commenting.

    1. When you don't reply to comments ,It Is to your blogs detriment I would think.And yeah , "Awesome " bombs are dropped quite frequently In the blogosphere aren't they?How 'bout "Neat" ,"Good Score" or the one I'm most famous for "Nice!" lol!We should go back and see how many of us are guilty of the "one word" comment.It's all documented.It'll be like wiki leaks lol!

  4. To be completely honest I recently did a purge on my reading list and anything where I never got a response was removed ( I also removed blogs from my blog link list on my blog that never reciprocated adding my blog to their list). This blog world is a community and we all pretty much know each other after all these years so its just simply rude to pretend that you are writing a book instead of making a blog post that is intended to warrant a response in the comments from your readers.If they simply don't have the time to respond then how the hell do the have the time to make the post in in the first place? If they don't feel their reads deserve a response then then they should turn comments off.

    1. I feel that comments are hard to come by these days and If your fortunate enough to receive one ,the least you could do Is acknowledge the person and let them know that you are just as aware of their existence as you are of his/hers.If I like a blog ,I wont delete It,even If they are not replying .But If the site Is already mediocre to begin with and not really my cup of tea ,then peace,I'm out.In fact,we should do an experiment.We should all add at least 5 new blogs to our blogrolls and see how many of them acknowledge your comments.

  5. I enjoy the interaction in the comment section. However... I gotta admit... sometimes it takes me a week or two to respond to the comments left on my blog. But since it's on my mind, I'm gonna head back to my blog and respond to everyone's comments right now ;)

    1. You do a pretty good job of getting back to your followers comments ,Fuji.You also get tons of comments so If a few go unanswered ,that's expected.

  6. If I ever made you feel that way, it was definitely not intended- sometimes I get wrapped up in my own stuff and am less reciprocal than I like to be. sometimes I am unsure how to respond, but you are right- all comments should be acknowledged, just as if we were speaking in person.

  7. No way Mr.Smith ,you've always been good about replying and are one of the more proactive bloggers as far as trying to establish a rapport.The Round Robin idea was a good one.But like I said,this wasn't meant to single any one person or site out.It was more of a census on how people felt when they weren't replied to and what they their thoughts on It were.Funny you should bring up speaking In person,though .Can you imagine commenting on something to an associate and never getting a reaction or response,ever?That would be kind of strange lol.


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