Brother Midnight's Trade Package :The Contents!

Damn!So much goodness!Let's start this off with an action figure scale that I always make sure to steer clear of,not because I don't like them but because most of the time they are too expensive! I have stated before how I am not the biggest Deadpool fan but damn It If this ain't the coolest  looking action figure I've ever seen.The sculpt Is unbelievable   and I haven't even begun to mess around with all the extra hands and head sculpts .I can't wait to get this guy posed on display!And then there are the throwback Toy Biz figs ,Beast and Spider-Man.Forget about the Beast figure for a minute,that Spider-Man figure Is off the chains!I freakin' LOVE IT.Beast Is cool ,too, but man that Spidey Is something else.Oh,and I also needed the Titan Black Widow fig.

A little 3 3/4 inch action!Thunderball puts me one away from completing the Wrecking Crew!And I finally have some Katanas for my Leo!

Of course It wouldn't be a Brother Midnight package without the usual inclusion of 80's odd ball   greatness.

                                And tons of shitter-ature!So much greatness In this trade box.Thank you Brother!!! You're a genuine ,class act trade partner and friend.And If you haven't heard -Toy Disorderly  Is back up and running!Brother Midnight has given the place a bit of a face lift ,just in time for summer!I'm also excited to announce the forums first contest!Details regarding the loot and entries will be posted on the forum as soon as we get all the kinks ironed  out. Stayyyy Tuuuuned!!!! 


  1. That beast was bought with the thought in mind that he would be turned into a Sasquatch figure but I never got around to it lol I was going to toss in the Marvel legends deluxe size Captain America also but I couldn't find his extra parts so he will have to wait till another time.

    1. I was thinking about adding some blue highlights throughout the sculpt.Im really liking that 12 inch marvel legends sculpt too.

  2. Pretty cool stuff you got! Those 12 inch figures look pretty cool.

    1. Thanks Alexis.Its wierd posing them ,too,like an overgrown Marvel Universe figure 😅

  3. I like Deadpool strictly on his looks. Never read his comic books and wasn't the biggest fan of his movie. But that action figure is sweet!

    1. Yeah,his over the topness can get annoying at times.Amazing figure ,though.


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