All Thanks to the PS3

So,my better half must have felt bad about the fact that I've been stuck in the dark ages as far as game consoles go.She walks in on me all the time and makes fun of  the pixelated  characters on the TV screen while I'm rocking out on my PS1.She hates It whenever we're driving and  I do a double take whenever I see an old TV with the front mounted red and white AV ports .If It was up to me  I'd have a garage full of them.Oh,and she's tired of looking at my,well,tired original XBOX sitting in the middle of our TV shelf taking up space.And at times,I bet she wonders why I sit in front of a TV screen playing my 16 bit Genesis ,In shock and awe of a 30 year old  piece of game playing hardware.So long story short ,last month she picked me up a PS3 !I know ,the PS3 itself Is also kind of dated but I'd still consider It to be next gen.Not only that ,but the backwards compatibility allows me to play ps1 game discs and downloaded PS2 games as well. So this Is why I haven't posted in a while.Toys have taken a back seat to gaming .The other day I was able to download Resident Evil 2 and 3 for 4 bucks during a flash sale on digital content.I've since loaded up the console with a few must have Ps1 titles as well  as some PS3 games.But yeah,I'll get back to posting about toys soon.For now,though,It's Street Fighter X Tekken time(I know it's an old game lol)!


  1. congratulations! The PS3 has some fantastic titles on it and the games are relatively affordable and readily available.

  2. Thanks.I hate the whole DLC thing but I must say that I'm taking a liking to the games themselves being installed on the hard drive.I once opposed It but have changed my stance.One can get tired of inserting and taking out game discs.With the PS3 I can load up a game from the comfort of my bed .I still like to have physical manuals though.

  3. Congratulations! The PS3 would probably give the Sega Genesis competition in regards to which console I spent the most hours on. One of these days I'm gonna buy HDMI cables, so I can hook up my PS3 to my TV.

  4. Thanks,man.Its just a solid console,from what ive played so far.Too bad The Show only goes up to 2016 but ill take it.

  5. I played the Final Fantasy and Resident Evil games on Playstation and PS2, but never really got all that into the console itself. I much prefer XBOX consoles. The controller just feels better to me.

  6. I'm a huge baseball nut and always preferred the aesthetics and feel of the xbox ,but their lack of a decent,modern, baseball title is what killed It for me.The ps3 has The Show 16 ,not the newest MLB title but close enough and pretty awesome looking.Plus I have tons of ps1 games that I can also play on the ps3 console,although not all of them play accordingly.

  7. Replies
    1. PS2 Is a great system.Shinobi was pretty cool on that.


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