Package Reveal

The Tim Mee Toys  Battle Mountain play set seems to be all the rage on toy collector blogs and action figure related social media pages these days.While It Is designed more for mini toy soldiers ,It can be used for so much more!Or...can It?I picked one up for myself.

It's a great set,aesthetically, but It was a bit of  a balancing act when placing my Fraggle Rock premiums on the semi flat platforms.

The areas designated to display figures are kind of on an incline,so It takes a little work to get your figures to stand properly.It's not horribly hard to do but It may test your patience a little. 

Displaying  your vintage Joes on this might not  be a good idea for the long term unless you've got them placed on stands. 

You can still get some great shots,even with the larger figures.

Mini figures work the best with a set like this.The over sized foot sculpts stand more securely than the smaller feet on a 3 3/4 action figure will.

This Is how I currently have my mountain displayed,for now anyways.


  1. So many potential uses. My mind is ablaze with ideas.

    1. It's a versatile piece.Good for display but better ,imo, for quick shots of your action figures in ..action.

  2. Seems to work well for anything.

    1. Pretty much.Probably not great for use with 6 inch figures and up,though.

  3. Wow that really could be used for anything! I bet the Jada Nano metal figs would look great to!

    1. This would be perfect for those ,Alexis.M.U.S.C.L.E. figs too!


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