Merry Christmas Everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas Eve and may your Christmas day be equally joyous.Mine was filled with familiar banter ,excessive eating and presents.But mostly excessive eating.I didn't get any toys this X-Mas (I hate when that happens :( ) but I did get lots of cool clothes ,a pair of kicks from my older brother who's In town from FLA and The Eagles Greatest hits compilation double CD form my older sister.I'm up super early today,couldn't sleep,so I said what the hell let me post something.While I'm here I might as well plug my whopping 4th blog ,If It's In The Game,It's In The Game. I focus mainly on sports video games  of the past and nostalgic tales of  epic sports video gaming moments.That's It for today peeps.Have a holly,jolly one...


  1. Merry Christmas to you my friend 😊

  2. Merry Christmas buddy. I hope you have a happy New Year!

  3. no toys!? oh well doesn't look like it was a total loss lol

  4. I know right.I should be more grateful ;)

  5. I never tire of listening to the Eagles! Merry Merry!

  6. My daughter and I have "New York Minute" on repeat lol.


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