Fraggle Rock McDonald's Premiums

I finally got around to adding these to my collection.As far as fast food premiums go,these Fraggle Rock racers were pretty popular,and still are.Check out the original display...

I'm short one but pleased with the three I have.


  1. Im currently trying to get the 2 rare test market ones.

    1. Good luck on that ,Bro .I had to google that to see what you were talking about.First time seeing them.

    2. Never heard of those? But now I want them!

  2. I love these figures and have all 4 of the wide released ones just need the two test market doozers. If I come across a Red i'll pick her up for you (I occasionally see her)

    1. Thanks.I've been meaning to put a little package together for you since we weren't able to complete our last trade.I know you said you can only receive small packages so I can keep It light.That Batman Beyond figure shouldn't be too bulky ;)

  3. I actually may have an extra Red somewhere? I'll check and let you know.


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