Hand Me Down Turtles

Of the bunch of TMNT stuff that was in that hand me down bag ,I'm only going to keep  two figures.Shredder and April O'Neil,oh yeah and the two vehicles.The rest of the figures are up for grabs.Let me know In the comments If you're interested.

The Shellraiser Is missing alot of pieces but will still make for a nice backdrop for my Eastman Laird turtles (once I can find spot to display them all).

These two movie turtles are available for trade If anybody wants them.I'm hanging on to the Polaris ,though.

                          Again,these three are up for trade.All are incomplete but In great shape.

This incomplete Shredder and April O'Neil are keepers.Shredder Is missing his cape and helmet while April Is completely weaponless.Still,both have been on my want list.

                                               This Is my make shift TMNT universe.

The Polaris  will be April O'Neil's'.It's missing both spring loaded cannons but looks nice regardless.I can't wait to get some extra room to display everything together.


  1. man I dont know if its just me and my mood of the day but it really seem that ninja turtles have gotten really ugly as of late

  2. I hate the new movie turtles.The Nick turtles are cool looking ,except for the gimmicky ones.Like the two up top ,what the hell are they supposed to be ,cell shaded?Night ops?

    1. O.K. Just looked them up.I guess they're color change turtles.Hot water makes the black on them disappear and cold water brings the color back.O.K. , semi cool but not my cup o tea.

    2. It looks a lot like one of the SDCC exclusives from a couple years back, pretty ugly lol

    3. this is the one I was talking about http://pixel-dan.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/NightShadowLeoThumb.png .Im thinking its about time for the turtles to take another vacation for a few years.

    4. That actually looks cooler than the ones I have,but that's not saying much.Maybe It's time to drop the "teenage" and just be called Ninja Turtles.You know,grow up.An edgier,older turtle team battling hemorrhoids and arthritis,now there's a concept!

    5. Midlife mutant ninja turtles. All scared up and worn down by life ,cynical and bitter maybe with an eye patch in the group.

    6. Yes!Always getting into it over who visits Splinter's grave the most.I'm thinking Leo wins that one with Raph seeing poor dead Splinter the least.

    7. Well in 2018 a new tmnt toon begins with a new take and look so what we refer as the nick turtles will be retired.

    8. Spoiler alert. In Nick Turtles Splinter is dead, he died in season 4's finale arc.


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