Lady Deadpool?

I can honestly sat that I know nothing,zero,zilch about this version of Deadpool.All I know about Deadpool is that hes part of the weapon x project and has no filter.I haven't seen the film yet but i'm already tired of the guy.For a time everything was Deadpool this,Deadpool that.I hate that kind of shit.But,like I said, i've yet to see the film so who knows,maybe i'll be on that bandwagon as well ,but i doubt it.Lady Deadpool is very new to me.I thought that  maybe she was Squirrel Girl but no,shes not.She does have a pet squirrel ,though,which leads me to believe she has some connections with Squirrel Girl.I like the figure but I just dont get the whole Deadpool thing.All the different colors and now a Deadpool team with everyone dressed up as,you guessed it, Deadpool.Idk 😒If somebody can shed some light,It would be appreciated.Like I said,I like the figure(even though her legs are a little stiff ).She gives off an X Force vibe .Oh wait,that's right!Deadpool was a part of X Force.A comic I started to get into but never did ,fully,thanks to baseball cards.

Thanks again Brother✌


  1. I've been a fan of Deadpool ever since I saw him on a trading card in the mid 90's. For me... it's all about the appearance. He just looks cool. Just like Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow. I've never actually read any of the comic books he's been in.

    1. I agree ,very cool looking.Totally different demeanor than Snakes and stormy.Kind of a nut case who wears his insanity on his sleeve.

  2. I read the New Mutants when he first debuted. And of course his first miniseries. After that....I have him as a figure. I would not ever collect the others.

    1. Was he always like that,crazy and super chatty?

  3. I have no idea what the story behind lady Deadpool is ( I actually won that figure).I do know that the Squirrel isn't her pet but actually another version of deadpool, He is Squirrelpool lol. The movie is pretty great though ,I was never a fan of him in the comics but the movie is really funny and it has colossus.

    1. I forgot about Colossus making an appearance In that.I'll end up seeing It at some point.


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