And Another One ....Phew!

Well,I can scratch another one off my list.Dr.Strange has been on my radar as far back as the Mesopotamia.Yup,they had Marvel Universe figures.Anyways,I cut costs here by picking one up on eBay listed as "defective". The left leg pops out very easily and because of that,the seller had it listed for 7 bucks.I of course,thinking I'd be able to fix it ,went through with the purchase.I couldn't fix it.It's just a big Krazy Glued mess on that left leg joint,so that's how it shall stay.I may try to use some acetone to loosen it up a little,but idk.The legs weren't very poseable to begin with ,so ,oh well.A good thing he can fly because running will be out of the question.The struggle is real 😓


  1. RATS!! I thought you already had Doctor Strange

  2. Yeah,I've got a debilitated Dr.Strange.

    1. I have the single packed version with the leopard spots on his glove arm things. Ill toss him in with the other stuff lol

    2. Great.Thanks.I'm still looking for a box to fit the Ice Dagger and a couple of other things in.Should be ready to send out your package soon ;)

  3. If your interested, the Retro Revival Blog Challenge is live again. You can find it here


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