Round Robin Social Media Challenge- To Display Or Not To Display

A while back, friend and fellow toy blogger  Mr.Smith created The Round Robin Social Media Challenge.A challenge that involved one person picking a topic for everyone else  to post about. The first person to post their entry got to choose the next weeks topic.I'd like to get that ball rolling again.I want to start this off by stating that you are in no way shape or form obligated to participate.One of the cool things about Round Robin is that there are no rules,meaning we can take months off from it if we choose to.And we did just that.But this is good because it gives us all a chance to regroup and refresh our minds with ideas and future Round Robin topics.My good buddy Brother Midnight made a good point ,saying that it was starting to become almost chore like ,and it was.But i can't lie,there seemed to be alot more cross communicating and interaction when Round Robin was around.You might be wondering why I'm posting this on a Wednesday as opposed to the beginning of the week.Remember,there are no rules.Lets just go with it ,and when it seems like everyone has participated ,we can continue on with the new Round Robin topic.I hate the idea of Monday being a starting point anyways.Also,If it's cool with you Mr.Smith,maybe we can leave the link back to the participating post up to the writer to provide in the comments instead of us having to do it for them.Just a thought.So,today's topic is ...

To Display Or Not To Display.....

I've been asking myself this question alot lately and now I'd like to ask you - Does displaying your action figures and toys lessen their appeal  for you?Also,do you find it's easier to take figures out of a stash to photograph them as opposed to taking them off of display?

I'm going to answer my first question.Yes!It kind of does!Don't get me wrong ,i love my collection but sometimes I look at them and say "meh".I'm so ungrateful,i know it.It's like ,i need something new in there to sustain the magic,if that makes any sense.

Question number two.Yes!I hate taking my figures off of display to photograph.I feel like if i have them stashed ,i can easily pick out the figures i want ,badaboom,badabing , snap the pic and go on with my life.You don't know how many times I've knocked entire rows of action figures over trying to grab just one to take pictures of.It drives me batty!!I'm seriously considering taking everything off of display and placing them into some kind of collectors carrying case or something. Idk.How do you guys feel about the whole situation?

Leave  links back to your entries  in the comment section.


  1. Have to go the opposite direction. I love my displayed toys. This could be attributed to the fact they sit in a room of my home I don't frequently go in. So when I do, I pass by the display case of my He-Man or Turtle figures and grin as I stop and stare at all the shelves. I'm very grateful for my collection because; 1) I never thought I would have it, and 2) I know I can't take it with me. So I'm going to enjoy it while I have it.

    1. I love my toys too,but tend to under appreciate them sometimes.And yes,I think it may have something to do with how much time I'm spending around them.They say distance makes the heart grow fonder lol.

    2. Just gently let your action figures know you'd like to see other people for a while. If they love you as much as you love them, they'll understand.

    3. Plus, all my figures are on stands, so it makes that domino effect fear subside greatly.

  2. I rotate what is on my shelves new goes in old comes out old goes back in , its a never ending cycle. I often will not touch a figure again once I have it the way I want it until I take that figure from a shelf and put it in a box so it is much easier for me to photograph things from boxes versus the on display things.

    1. Exactly!I'd much rather dig through a box and grab something to snap pics of then have to take something off display to do it.

  3. Definitely rotate the collection, and like to display. Losing more and more room to the rest of the family though.

    1. I think I'm gonna try the whole rotating thing.


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