Swiffer Box Dio Finalized

I've finally put the finishing touches on my Swiffer dios,adding the Velcro wall mounts on them and placing the clear plastic covers on them to keep figures from falling out and to give It an encased finish.Below are the Velcro mounts I used.

These Velcro mounts are cool because they allow for the displays to be removed and then re-attached If needed.The backs of the Swiffer boxes give you more than enough spots to place them.You can have them attached horizontally at the top and bottom or vertically over the two rounded indentations.    

I chose to hang mine up on the exposed side of my shelving unit.The clear plastic covers really set them off I think and protect your figures at the same time.I would imagine this would be great for pretty much any collectible.You could paint up the background however you like and display everything from mini figures to baseball cards!If any of you guys ever decide to try this out ,I'd love to see them!      


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