New Sega Genesis Games!

Geez!My Round Robin Challenge has backfired on me,lol!I've been pretty sick for most of this week so I haven't had the time to hit up Wal Mart to pick up any kinds of character/movie themed food items  .Hopefully I can have something posted by tomorrow or Sunday.I did receive these Sega games In the mail today!Anybody remember these?!?Damn!I loved both of these games !!!I can remember being put off a little by the difficulty of the X-Men game ,but I loved the  play mechanics and graphics.Being able to switch up characters mid game was pretty damn sick for that time.Judge Dredd came out a couple years later during the movie release.I remember my buddy having a brand new  extra copy and letting me have It!I love the slow  pace of the game and the ability to choose between killing or arresting perps. Both are great little time killers with nice graphics and large character sprites.


  1. I used to rent these out at the video store I worked at.

  2. Ahhh,renting video games!I remember those days!To get the most out of mine,I'd wake up super early the next morning to get a jump start on whatever game It was I rented.My older brother used to make fun of me because of that LOL!

  3. Never played Judge Dredd... but that X-Men game was awesome!

    1. News of this game being released for the Genesis drove me coconuts!Especially since I had been reading the 1991 series of X-Men comics,which was so damn incredible!

  4. I played that X-Men game a lot back in the day. Nightcrawler was my favorite.

    1. Yes!Being able to control your favorite X-Men was the coolest!

  5. We were just talking about that X-Men game this morning at work! Along with Maximum Carnage for the SNES!

  6. Weren't they?You don't get cool packaging like this anymore,save for PC games.


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