Ultimate Crossover Pictorial


When the Power Sword suddenly disappears,He-Man enters a time rift to see when and where exactly this occurred and bring the culprit to justice!Unfortunately ,the evil Hordak catches wind of  He-Mans plans and attempts to beat him to the punch with a time rift of his own.Both would fail miserably :(  Unable to travel to the exact time of the Power Swords disappearance,He-Man instead finds himself In a prehistoric, feral setting and befriends a Native American hero named Arak.Arak,foolishly believing that his navigational skills  could lead He-Man In the right direction,enters the time rift.Both He-Man and Arak find themselves In a futuristic world with tall ,sleek and towering buildings and speeding metal machines!It Is there  where they are confronted by 4 turtle like creatures - Leonardo,Donatello,Michelangelo and Raphael!

Hordak was no gifted time traveler himself.This rag tag group Is the direct result of  Hordaks lack of rift jumping experience.

Both teams would battle fiercely ....

...until Hordak decides to unveil his secret weapon!The 4 turtles find themselves face to  face with  their worst enemy!


Watch  the hair raising conclusion on the next episode of... 


Some other great submissions ...


  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun with that one.

  2. Actually It was a little nerve racking having to take them off display for the shoot,lol!

  3. Well, there went my idea - TMNT and He-Man. Dang. Back to the drawing board.

  4. Lol this was great! About taking them off the shelves, I felt the same way with my ThunderCats Tony (GIJOE is being reworked so they were in a plastic container lol)

    1. Yes!I hate having to remove any vintage off the shelves ,lol.

  5. Well worth the hassle! Nice job. TURTLE POWER!

  6. P.S. - The comic iterations of the Ninja Turtles would beat the hell out of the cartoon versions. Just saying.


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