Round Robin Challenge: Your Mission,Should You Choose To Accept It

I'm hoping Mr.Smith doesn't mind me changing the rules up here a little ,but I'd like to give Round Robin Challengers an extra week on this assignment.Only because It will involve a little leg work.This weeks challenge,should you choose to accept it,goes a little something like this...

Remember how cool It was when our moms would come home from shopping and we found items like the following In the grocery bags?

Now we get to relive that magical moment!Your mission Is to go out and pick up any cartoon/movie themed food item and review it!Snap pics of  the food contents within.Is it fairly priced?Does It live up to the hype?How well does It represent the characters on the  box?How  does It taste and would you recommend ?   Bloggers who find an item with a premium prize inside will receive a bonus.Heck I might even send them a little something :)

Good Luck!!!!


  1. Sounds like a good challenge...

    As always, should you or any of your I.M. Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape/disc will self-destruct in five seconds.

    1. That's why you gotta go with an MP3 format.Tapes and discs always blow up in our faces.

  2. This sounds like a fun assignment!

  3. First?

  4. I'm glad that we have an extra week as I am broke until next Week Wednesday (the first) and would love to participate as usual.

    1. That's kind of why I extended It.Plus,I know alot of us don't make It out to the stores as often as others.Two weeks should be just enough time.Thanks for participating Alexis ;)

  5. The Toy Box brought the wine, I brought the Heroic Cheese

  6. Did I miss your post on this week's challenge? Can't find it on your site.

  7. Probably late on this one, but I wrote about Andy Capp's Hot Fries! Here is the link if you choose to follow it:

  8. Surprise! Right under the wire....


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