New Marvel Universe 3 3/4 X-Men Additions

My X-Men are starting to round out some with the addition of Storm and Rogue .The only two on my need list now are Jean Grey (Pheonix version) and Professor X .On the villains side of things,must adds are Mystique, Sabretooth,Apocalypse(even though I hate how short he is) and Omega Red . Mr.Sinister maybe.

I think a yellow suit Wolverine would make this group pop more.That's another one I'll have to add to the list <sheesh >


  1. Iv been watching for that Rouge and she still hasnt shown up around here

    1. Same here,Bro.I got lucky and found a vendor selling It for 9 bucks and some change.She'll probably end up at Gamestop, too.

  2. Great collection of X-Men figures. I especially like the Colossus and Juggernaut.

    1. Thanks Fuji.It's been a few years In the making,no lie.

  3. Great figures. I collect a lot of the X-Men in that scale.

  4. Yeah I've seen your set of X-Men,Buzz.They look great!We wished for figures like this as a kid.


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