Marvel Toybiz - Magneto

Recently,I won an ebay auction for two Magneto figures.One was the Marvel Showdown  3 3/4 Mags and the other one ,this Toybiz beauty.Funny how as a kid you'll have no problem  overlooking the unsightly aesthetics of  a toy just because your so happy to have that character In the form of an action figure.Figures like quick change Bruce Wayne and Iron Man come to mind.And you thought Funko Pops had big noggins?Melon head...I mean Magneto here Is no exception.

This,I feel,was the big draw.Being able to remove Magnetos helmet was key because much like In  the comics,he didn't wear It 24-7.Plus you were able to have It fly off after a Wolverine clawing. While some thought the removable helmet was the coolest thing about this Magneto figure,others thought his hidden feature was even cooler!

*Kinda looks like Trump,doesn't he?

Lets give Magneto the old eye hook test shall we?

Yes!Magnetos magnet feature still works!Come to think of It,does magnetism ever wear off?This might be a question for Mr. Smith ;) Anyhow,yeah,Magnetos hidden features are his magnetic hands and chest.Is that cool or what!?!

Finally,the battle we've all been waiting for! -unmasked Wolverine vs. unmasked Magneto!!!!!- 



  1. Removable Helmet + Magnetic Feature = Awesome Figure

    1. Couldn't agree with you more Fuji!These toys were meant to be played with :)

  2. Removable helmet *and* a cape? That's play value there!

  3. One of my faves from the old Marvel Toy Biz line was The Punisher with cap firing action! The smell of busted caps takes me back to the fun days of my childhood.

    1. Damn,I remember that!That was pushing It a little with action figures.I think Kenner may have been the first to utilize the cap gun feature in a figure with Robocop. Or was It vise versa?

  4. I like this version of him but it still doesn't beat thee secret wars version

  5. Nothing beats Mattel's Secret Wars figures,NOTHING!

  6. I loved that Magneto as a kid. Great score!


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