Lanard King Kong - Sam Jackson set

 Lanard  is really stepping up their game.Little by little ,the quality  of their product has improved and their variety increased.While everyone has been anticipating the release of  the CORPS! newest recruits ,mainly Impact, Lanard was quietly making moves ,acquiring the license to create King Kong figures and sets based on the upcoming film.It caught alot of us off guard largely because Lanard Isn't what one would consider a sexy name brand.It's a discount line that catered to the more frugal toy collector,kids and adults alike.So ,along comes all this super cool looking Kong merchandise and now we're thinking "Uh-oh,here come the price hikes!". But no!All Kong figures and sets still sported that familiar Lanard wallet friendly price tag.Damn,ya gotta give Lanard their due props.

Wasn't sure what the name of the creature In this set was so I'm just going to call It the "Sam Jackson" set.That's right,Sam Jackson!Lanard's doing  actual big name movie stars now!That's pretty impressive for a low budget toy company. You get alot of bang for your buck ,here.10 bucks gets you an action figure with Camo/weapon accessories,military styled command station and a creature out of the King Kong live action film.

The camo gear Is somewhat functional If you want to equip It all at once.The head piece fits loosely on the figures head but the rest  attaches rather nicely.Looks great on display!    

The camo gear fits pretty much all other figures as long as they have a peg hole In their backs.

Even though I'm not that crazy about the buck used for this figure,they did a great job with Jacksons likeness.

I can't ,for the life of me,remember what this creatures name is, and I'm too lazy to Google It now.Crawler ,maybe?Idk,but it looks pretty cool.No leg,tail or neck  articulation ,though.The jaw Is movable.Also,the plastic feels very durable and reminds me of  the old D&D pvc figures.

The command outpost Is something that has been released before by Lanard, but this one Is more customized to fit the films theme.I love the small maps and attention to detail on the schematics.

                     I decided to throw my Chap Mei figs into the mix  and they look pretty good together.


  1. That set is next on my list just for the accessories.

  2. Oh yeah I thought you might dig this commercial for the new Chap Mei stuff :

    1. Dude, did you watch the commercial for the Stone Age Dinosaurs line from them? It's amazing!

    2. holy cow! I just looked it up and that stuff really is amazing! Im going to have to track some of it down.

    3. Awesome commercial!Yeah that Stone Age one Is pretty damn epic as well.

    4. OK I need those Stone Age Dinosaurs (especially the cave men) in my life! lol

  3. The only complaint I can lob at the Lanard Kong toy line is the lack of articulation on the smaller monsters. Still, they look amazing, and I might just add a couple to the display case.

    1. I have the set with the big spider and Im pretty impressed with the articulation on it. Every leg is on a ball joint so it has a pretty good rang of movement.

    2. OOh! I didn't realize that one actually had articulated legs. Even better!

    3. Their well worth the 10 dollar price tag ,Chris.

  4. Somehow I missed this post until now (doh!) lol. I was thinking of getting this set but not anymore, nope now I'm definitely going to get it! That outpost looks better than I thought (I'll put it near Castle Destro for the Joes to use) and that Sam Jackson figure looks outstanding not sure if I'll put him with my Joes/Corps/Chap Mei figures or my Star Wars as I currently do not own a Mace Windu shockingly lol.

    1. You gotta get It Alexis.Its a great set!The outpost would look great with Joes manning it.When was the last time G.I. Joe had to track down a giant Gorilla!

    2. No King Kong in my collection yet but guess what I bought :) Outpost 3 is MINE mwahahaha expect a review sometime next week :)


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