Random Pic & Packages

Just a random pic I took for my Instagram  and decided to post here as well.When was the last time Cap and Juggernaut went at It?I can't remember a single time!I would love to see the match up,though.Maybe you comic aficionados out there can verify a meeting between these two.

Also,two more action figures to add to the collection.Stay tuned for the unveiling!


  1. My gosh man, You have just killed poor Captain America ! No way he can take down the Avatar of Cyttorak.I hit a mega score at goodwill today but dont think Im going to post about it.

    1. I hope you do, because not only am I curious but I'm sure others are as well. Also after all your not finding anything, I am glad that you found something great!

  2. That Juggernaut figure is awesome! I saw one from the 90's at the flea market back in November, but passed on it. I really regret it now.

    1. That was the Toybiz version,I think,Fuji.Those 90's X-Men figs are all pretty awesome.Actually they are the first of their kind If you don't count Marvel Secret Wars Wolverine that came out in the early eighties.You should pick him up! I bet you it'll still be there when you go back ;)

  3. Can't wait to see what you got. I love that Juggernaut (I have him to).

    1. He's a great figure,only I wish he had been a little larger.


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