2009 Marvel Universe - Captain America (Secret Wars)

I regret  passing on all the earlier waves of Marvel Universe figures.Who would have known that most would shoot up In price and be nearly impossible to reattain.Until now,my go to classic Cap was  Heavy Artillery Captain America from the movie line of figures.He did a great job of filling In until I could finally get my hands on what I feel Is the best Captain America figure out there, to date.Unbeknownst to me at the time of purchase,this was not the shield that came  with this figure originally.Not a problem at all because this shield with the straps  Is  sooo much better than the clip on ones. It took nearly 8 years for this figure to start coming down In price ,hence the reason I was able to finally snag one up.

As you can see ,Secret Wars Cap stands taller than Heavy Artillery and the Super Combat Movie Versions. 

I also dig the similarities this figure has with the original 1980's Secret Wars Captain America.The lighter shade of blue works better on Captain America figures ,imo.The one thing I will say about these figures Is that they are almost 10 years old ,I know right, how time flies!Because of that they tend to be a little on the loose side.Although I think the initial run of Marvel Universe figures all  tended to be a little flimsy new out of the package.     


  1. I like this version a lot, to me the secret wars look was the best look.

  2. From the old Secret Wars line, I only had Iron Man, Dr Doom, and Magneto, but those were some of the most played with action figures in my collection back then.

    Love the blog, and I see you used to participate in the Pop Culture League. Have you checked out our Retro Revival Blog Challenge over at RetroRamblings.com yet? We picked up with the League Challenges where Brandon left off, and this week is right up your alley...it's about toys! Give it a look

  3. Thanks for dropping by.Im currently wrapped up In the Round Robin Challenges but I don't see why I can't do both.I'll have to check it out ;)


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