Christmas Wishes Vs. Christmas Reality

If you guys didn't know,Mr. Smith over at Mr. Smith's Plastic Bubble ,has started a new social media challenge for pop culture/toy bloggers like you and I.Every Monday there will  be a round robin challenge assignment ,similar to Cool And Collected's Pop Culture League.The twist Is If your the first to post your challenge,then you create the following weeks challenge/assignment.Here's my entry.


Man.This Is a pretty good one because these days I rarely get what I want for birthdays or Christmas.I mostly get things I need.I'm not being ungrateful or anything because the things I get take precedence over toys or other pop culture related items. Sometimes,though,It would be nice to open up an action figure or two. I really can't blame the wifey,though, as she really has no clue what I have and don't have In my collection so It's a bit difficult for her to  make those kinds of purchases.Actually ,she did get me some Titan Heroes a couple of birthday's back.But this Is about X-Mas.So .... 

Christmas Wishes

I really want this set.

Knew this would never happen but It's still something I wish I had gotten under the tree.

Christmas Reality 

Like I said,things I need.Those headphones are wireless and  amazing!I needed these for recording   vocals without the beat showing up In the background.Plus I can wear them all around the house jamming sans annoying wires and cables!I got some much needed gear ,hat ,hoodie and vest.I did get some geek paraphernalia.A tube filled with Avenger shaped lollipops and an awesome  Marvel tumbler set which I'll look at more in depth later on.

So there you have It.My Christmas wishes vs. reality.What are your's ?

Check out Mr. Smith's Christmas Wishes Vs. Christmas Reality post!

The Toy Box got two boxes ,each with a toy inside that he talks about more in depth on the The Toy Box!

Alexis,over at Alexis's Universe,has a friend In me ;)


  1. Good post, and I think we can safely assume you have the next weeks challenge in the bag

    1. Ha!Thanks Mr. Smith.I'm glad you did this ;)Hopefully It catches on.

  2. Good post ! That exactly hapen to me this Christmas!

  3. Good post! Show the rality of nany collector like me! Because is exactly that hapen this Christmas!

    1. LOL!I know how you feel Hec ;)Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Great post! I have thought about buying those tumblers lol. At least you got some geek stuff :)

  5. I know right?I already have a few Marvel related mugs and what not so I can add these tumblers to the mix of things .

  6. I have absolutely no room for it... and I'm not even a huge Batman fan... but that Batcave play set is pretty awesome.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Fuji.It's definitely on my want list.Even If It does end up In my basement .

    2. How have I gone so long not realizing you have blogs. Many apologies buddy. I look forward to reading and commenting on future posts.

    3. It's all good man!Hey ,If you want to be part of the Round Robin ,just hop right In with a post.

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    Thank you! By the way, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy Kwanzaa!

  8. The page is up for your challenge- CRY HAVOC!-And let slip the second challenge!


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