.As I've said before,I really like the CORPS! and have even sent e-mails to Lanard expressing my love of not only the figures but their price point,as well.I also recommended they do a  cartoon series at some point,maybe a straight to DVD adventure  they could package with some figures.That would be pretty damn epic. They've created some real cool web comics with top notch artwork depicting the new CORPS! vs. The Curse wars that have unfolded since the initial release of the new line of figures. Check those out here

I'm extremely late to the "Puma" party but have seen enough of her on toy vlogs and action figure sites to want to pick one up for myself. I usually take my time with these figures because Wal Mart always has a surplus of them hanging on the pegs.For about 3 bucks you can pick up this two pack at your local Wal Mart and K-Mart department stores.The Diesel figure Is a plus for me because I didn't have him yet. Puma Is just an amazing figure!

Not only does she have an awesome weapon selection...

...but they're  also  all store- able!She's super efficient and can hold her weapons In tandem and keep the third stashed for when shit get's real.You never know when that skeleton army Is gonna come marching around the corner.

Puma Is just a bad ass figure ,and Latina!Someone needs to cosplay her character one day.

Diesel Is also a pretty cool looking figure.I'm always happy to add a new member to the team ;)


  1. Welcome to "Puma Owners International!" LoL Yeah I waited to grab mine until the 2-packs came out and I love her a lot but now i'm seeing head swaps of her on Snake Bite's body so I might have to buy her to lol.

    1. She's just an all around great figure.Gotta give props to Lanard for this one ;)


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