Marvel Infinite Series - Grim Reaper

And yet another villain to add to my Marvel Universe collection!This Is one of the nicer figures In the Infinite series.Plus,his  scythe makes for a great back scratcher. My fondest Grim Reaper memories date back to my child hood.Just kidding.I don't know much about Grim Reaper   but remember him being Simon Williams'/Wonder Man's brother.$3.99 on ebay Hasbro Toy Shop. Go get him!

Come on,wouldn't  you want a scythe for a right arm ,too?!?


  1. Pretty cool. Yeah he was Wonder man's brother and an Avengers foe. Other than that I know little lol but he has a cool design. Congrats.

    1. Thanks ,Alexis!Btw-If you ever want to trade any of your Skrulls ,let me know ;)

  2. I thought about getting him but I thought he looked like he would have a hard time standing.

    1. He stands great,brother.Well,as great as any other Marvel Universe figure.That's the one thing about the normal sized figures ,their feet are always small and have poor points of balance.You always end up having to either stand them straight or In some funky position in order for them to not fall over.And even that doesn't guarantee anything.That's what was so nice about the older MU line,they came with stands.

  3. I had the comic where he ad the Black Panther were introduced in a collection of Avengers stories- one of those giant size comics- it also had the wedding of the Wasp and Yellowjacket in it.

    1. He may have been In one of my comics that also featured the Brothers Grimm.Man,Marvel has sooo many dang characters.


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