Marvel Infinite Series - Beast

This Is such a stud figure.Damn near perfect,If It weren't for the lack of an ab crunch.The bright blue captures the essence of the Beasts character as does the head sculpt.You can almost hear him growling.Oh,sorry that was my stomach.Back to the figure,though.Hasbro got everything right,but the  lack of ab articulation.At least he's got rocker ankles and his legs move freely to execute those Beast like poses.I think he's a bit underrated and If you act fast,he's selling for 4.99 shipped on eBay right now from Hasbro Toy Shop.What am I talking about,you guys probably already have him.But chances are you paid more than I did :p  


  1. Yeah i did pay more. Here in Saltillo it was $16! Haven´t seen any MU since. They still have not sold their stock of Abomination and Cloak. The idiot store manager ordered hundreds of them.

  2. That's close to what these things went for out here when they first came out .

  3. Love this one- seen him out many times, but had to cut myself off on these MU after a certain point. May have to cough it up after seeing this post though!

  4. If you can find it for 4.99 on eBay,definitely snatch it up.Check Hasbro Toy Shop.Even at the regular online price ,7 to 10 dollars,it's worth it.

  5. I got this guy cheap also but on clearance at Target

  6. I was surprised to see this figure selling for such a low price,even when he first released.Wonder why?

    1. Im not sure either .Maybe people like the gray beast better,I only saw the grey version in store once but this guy hung around till they marked him down to like 4 bucks.


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