Dollar Tree Accessories

I've always wanted some working ,folding chairs for my action figures to sit in.They're especially cool In dioramas and playsets. Online you'll pay close to 5 bucks for a pair and that's not even factoring In the shipping costs.Luckily I was able to find some at Dollar Tree ,included with an action figure that I have passed up so many times before.At first,I wasn't sure If the chairs would work/fold out ,thinking that maybe they were in a fixed bang-a-wrestler-in-the-head position.To my delight,after  getting them out of the packaging, they worked!Not bad for a buck a piece considering they each come with a postmortem Sylvester Stallone action figure.

These chairs are made of a durable plastic and work well with your 3 3/4 vintage Joes.I find they work even better with the modern Marvel Universe figures  and Joes. Anything 3 3/4 that bends at the knees pretty much. 
Nothing says R&R like a game of musical chairs! 


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