Garage Sale Find!

Garage sale find?That's a first here on Toy Break.And that's mainly because I don't frequent them as much and when I do,there's never anything good.Well today,on my travels, I spotted this  1994 Fisher Price Great Adventures Castle!I told my better half that If It was still there on my way back that I'd shell out 5 bucks for It.Luckily this baby was still there waiting and  so I snagged It up. It's not a bad piece.It's missing one trap door up at the top of one tower, but the other Is still there and works!It's also missing the cannon at the top but It's something I would have removed anyways because of how cartoony It looks.Also all of the cartoon looking decals are non existent so that saves me the trouble of having to remove them.Not a bad pick up for 5 bucks.Niow I will be brainstorming ,figuring out how to customize it to my liking.Where's Rey when you need him :)


  1. I got a few of this castle myself .I fond a cheap plastic skull at a dollar store one year and modified it to fit in that space where the canon is missing.


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