Keeping With The DC Theme...

Batman Vs. Superman. Hmmm,should be a no brainer as to who comes out on top In that one right?A fight that should be over In about 15 minutes will be dragged out over the course of an hour long film  featuring Bats and Supes going at It on the big screen!I don't think there's been a showdown this long awaited since Ali vs. Frazier  , The Thrilla In Manilla. I'm no DC expert  but I'm pretty sure the Batman Vs. Superman scenario has already been played out In  the comics,correct me If I'm wrong.If not,then I guess we are all In for a big surprise.What shouldn't surprise us is the amount of  movie  related toys being released before the films grand opening.So far,even the higher end 6 inch stuff has been getting horrible reviews and for the sake of keeping things kid friendly,I won't  repeat what has been said about the lesser articulated 6 inch discount line on various toy sites and vlogs.

First thing's first guys.This Is a toy.That's all It Is and all It was meant to be.This wasn't meant to be displayed In the Smithsonian.This Is not a "Hot Toy".In fact,this Is the complete opposite.These are discount Batman figures ,meant to be crashed up against each other In simulated battle scenes by your average 5 to 10 year old kid.Made as simply as possible in order to be easily mass produced and distributed evenly to your local Wal-Mart toy aisles.No more , no less.I knew this was what I was getting when I picked this up about a week ago for a little under 10 bucks and I'm not disappointed.O.K.,well maybe the cape could have been made with soft goods but ,meh,whaddaya gonna do? I remember my first ever Batman figure as a kid.It  had a hard as rock plastic cape that snapped off  In a horrible "action figure meets bike spoke" incident that even today has me feeling a little bit traumatized.At least this one blows In the wind.

Be careful when pulling the caped figures from this line out of the packaging.The capes are secured into place with a small slit in the plastic.Since they are plastic,they have a tendency to wrinkle a bit If you're too rough when pulling the figure out. If you do manage to get some wrinkles In yours,like I did,hit It with a blow dryer for about 30 seconds  on hot.That should straighten It out significantly for you. 

I love the blue and grey version of Batman which Is why I chose to go with this one over the movie version.This figure has a certain knock-off quality  that I like.That can't be a good thing to hear If your a serious collector looking to pick this figure up lol!But It does,It has this look and feel of a quality made knock off.This Is a toy I would have loved to have and play with as a kid and sometimes,that's all the reason I need when deciding on what figure will be  making the trip back home with me and into my collection.   


  1. it's a batman figure,to put It simple.When I look at It,I see Batman.That's good enough for me.Mattel could have gone with 5 points of articulation with these and gave us 9,so I'm not complaining.

  2. I like these well enough, it's like they took their 3 3/4" figures and scaled them up to 6". Their 12" figures are about the same price and have a bit more articulation I think, they'd look good with your titans :P

    1. Please don't get me started on the DC 12 inch stuff,lol. I actually like this 6 inch line.They're chunky,bright and as of now,available everywhere!I won't be getting any of the other Batman figs,but I'll be looking out for Superman,Aquaman and Wonder Woman.

  3. He looks solid - and I like that they used a different texture on the bat symbol on his chest.

    1. Agreed.The gloves and boots have that same texture.

  4. I sort of prefer the look of this one over the movie accurate black/grey and am still undecided as to which of the two I want to add to my collection. I do agree that these 'lower end' 6" figures are toys first, and they have a certain charm because of it. So far I have the armored Batman and dream sequence Batman and they're both awesome regardless of anyone's feelings on the movie itself.

    1. I also like the fact that there are options with this line.Different strokes for different folks.That's a plus.I'm getting tired of seeing my lone Batman on display.Must....resist...urge to pick up....Wonder Woman,Superman and Aquaman!

  5. Nearly bought one of these, but may get the desert nightmare Bats...

    1. Yeah that Desert Batman Is pretty damn original.


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