Goodies Unveiled!

WOW!Just an amazing assortment of  3 3/4 goodness here,with a few oddball surprises!I knew about the Titan Heroes and Marvel Universe Baron Zemo (a figure that has been on my want list for a while now) but most of the other figures were unbeknownst to me.Derek seriously went out of his way and hooked - It - up! It goes without saying how thankful I am. Blogging Is pretty much the one thing that allows me to sit back ,relax and relieve the  stresses of  everyday life ,and new toys mean new things to blog about,which in turn helps with the stress. Orniphus's (Derek's) surprise package couldn't have come at a better time.Lots of cool stuff here,so stay tuned for individual posts in the next couple of days.  


  1. Wow! Am jealous! Some true awesomeness going on here i love the Darkseid!

    1. It's from the Total Justice line of DC figs,John.I may decide to snag up a couple more figs from the line,but If I don't then you have first crack at Darkseid.He's a great looking figure!

    2. Drop me an E Mail with your address J,in case I decide to send It over ;)

  2. Glad you liked Tony, I just filled the box until I could just about close it up. Just to note, the Transformer that turns into a jet is a KO, he's fun, but just so you know. There are reasons for some inclusions and others were because they were at hand at the time. As said if there's anything there you don't like trade it away for something else with all the other cool cats.

    1. Those Titan Heroes rock!And you may have turned me on to TF's Mashers!I was In deep need of some 3 3/4 DC figs. Sinestro will be trading blows with my GL figure soon.I love that military figure but have no clue where he's from.Love everything man,thanks again.It may take me a bit,but I'll be putting a little something together for you soon D ;)

    2. No rush man, just enjoy and I'll see what you think of them as you get to them.

    3. Oh and the military guy is from one of the Jurassic Park lines from years gone by.

    4. I knew It!I kind of had a feeling he was,lol!He's got a great head sculpt.Can't wait to arm him with a cannon or something.

  3. NICE GROUPING! I love those Marvel Titan Series...

    1. Thanks Colin.I'm crushing on the Titan Series right about now!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great stuff. About the only one that interests me is the Kang from Secret Wars. Good haul!

    1. Kang is great.He'll fit In nicely with the rest of my Secret Wars figs.


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