G.I. Joe VvV - Cobra Night Creeper

Derek hooked It up with this cool Night Creeper from the Valor Vs. Venom line.I already had one but D must have taken notice when I mentioned wanting to possibly army build these guys. I've always liked the looks of these particular Creepers,mostly because of their color scheme.As much as I would love to have a bunch more ,chances are I'll probably just stick with the two I have now. That's  good news for Snake Eyes!


  1. That's exactly why I included him, I saw you mention in your last post about this figure that you'd like a few more. The articulation is good on this figure, I like his wrist swivels and the hinges at the ankles. With so many different colours of him out there a person could make their own Power Rangers line up.

  2. They look so damn cool together,D!You could definitely put together a nice team of multi colored Power Rangers ,or make a kick ass Skittles commercial with them - Taste The Rainbow. BTW-I've been setting some things aside for you but probably wont be able to ship until next week.You outdid yourself with that surprise package and I'd like to return the favor.It won't be much but cool ,nonetheless ;)

  3. So cool. I gotta do some more action shots like you do. Well done.


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