DC Total Justice - Darkseid

Keeping the Coolandunusual ball rolling ,today we have DC's Total Justice Darkseid!I'm no DC aficionado,but I am familiar with Darkseid.Oh,and I love that his name is spelled with a "s-e-i-d' and not "s-i-d-e" . I'm not really familiar with his background,though,and was a bit too lazy to go fishing for It  on  the interwebs. He kind of reminds me of Thanos. I thought about picking up some more Total Justice figs to accompany Darkseid on the shelves ,but decided against It.It would be to daunting of a task to get wrapped up in another toy line,even though the Total Justice figures are totally affordable and worth checking out.Plus,Derek may have sparked my interest In Transformers Mashers,so that along with Titan Heroes currently has my undivided attention .John from Robot Monster Space Super Hero expressed some interest In the figure so If he still wants It ,then to him It shall go.It Is an awesome figure,though,with a working claw that Is permanently attached to his right hand that swivels.He's also got that shininess about him that many of today's popular action figures lack. Darkseid certainly has that Toy Biz vibe about him.Definitely a figure worth checking out from a neat little line of DC heroes.Enjoy the pics!

"HMMMM....I like the way you think C.C."


  1. Darkseid is favorite of mine- play feature with the working claw is fun

    1. He's a very imposing figure.Looks good with other figures,too.

  2. It would be a pain to track down a whole new line. I like this figure for pairing with 3 3/4" figures, even if he is a bit bigger, he looks well with them.

    1. I think characters like Darkseid,Juggernaut,venom etc. In the six inch scale look better with 3 3/4 figures.The size difference adds to the drama when snapping pictures.

  3. Funny you mention Thanos, because I'm pretty sure he was "inspired" by Darkseid.

    I always thought this was one of the better figures from the Total Justice line. At least he was in a more neutral pose compared to the other guys. He definitely reminds me of his Super Powers figure, just with a little extra claw thrown in.

  4. The Total Justice figures remind me of the G.I. Joe Extreme line. Darkseid was definitely the exception,and that's a good thing.

  5. I love him Tony and would gladly give the big brute a new home! And your spot on in a way with comparing him to Thanos because the two get compared a lot plus the character has ties to Marvel's Eternals which was created by Jack Kirby after he left DC where he created the New Gods which the Eternals are sort of Marvel's version of them.

  6. He's all yours John!He really Is a great figure,and you shouldn't have any problem picking up more from the line.Thanks for the DC/Marvel refresher ;)


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