My Current Want List Pt.1 (VINTAGE)

I'm at the point In toy collecting where I have most of what I sought after when I began this whole action figure blogging thing back In 2011.Remember Action Figs and Things?If not ,here Is a link to my very first action figure post, ever !Since then I've acquired a nice amount of figures ,not an astounding amount,but enough to keep me blogging and my display case full.With that being said,there are still a couple figures out there that are on my radar.Here are my vintage wants-

                                                          SECTAURS- SPIDRAX
Doesn't have to come with all accessories ,but I'd like to find one with his harness and at least 1 pistol.Spidrax came with an Insect hand puppet  which I'm really not interested In.This Is a figure I had as a kid  so the nostalgic value alone makes this number 1 one on my want list.


It seems like I've been after these 4 forever.I wouldn't mind acquiring these guys without any weapons,but they'd have to have their  belts,though.The weapons I can always pick up separately. 


Funny story.I had picked up one of these about a year back and while I was getting ready to showcase him on Action Figure Tactics,I ran into some trouble transforming him back Into robot mode.Long story short,he broke,and into the trash he went.I need to pick up another one at some point.I'd like to 
find one In decent condition with minimal stress marks ,If any, and intact faction symbols.


I'll never forget the day my older sister and I walked into a small Convenience mini mart ,and I spotted Powerglide hanging from the pegs In  their small toy section.My sisters always looked out for me    spoiled me rotten so needless to say,on that day Powerglide came home with me ;)I gotta get another one of these for the old collection!He was always one of my favorite characters In the series.Again,the faction symbols would have to be intact and the stress marks minimal for me to add Powerglide to my collection. 


Big Boa debuted right about the time I was beginning to outgrow my Joes,but I still loved him.I never had him as a kid ,hence the spot on my want list. I've seen a few of these on Ebay and many are incomplete.I wouldn't mind a punching bag-less Boa ,but his gloves and respirator would have to come included If I were to ever add him to my collection.


This was the lone Swamp Thing figure In my collection as a kid.My buddy used to have the MOTU Slime Pit and we'd put Swamp Thing In It to make him look,well,more swampy.I wouldn't mind finding one loose without his pet tree/bear trap/dog hybrid.His snare arm gimmick would still have to work,though.

And there you have It!Not an extensive list,but a meaningful one.Adding any one of these to my collection would be like getting another small piece of my childhood back. Part two of my want list will feature a list of contemporary  figures I'm still on the lookout for.Stay tuned ;)


  1. Keep your eyes open on Etsy, and check out Both are good sources that seem a bit cheaper than eBay.

    1. Never heard of toystable Chris.Thanks for the info ;)

  2. If you don't need the originals, Toys R Us is selling recasts of the four Turtles.

  3. I will keep my eyes out for you Tony.

  4. damn, i just saw that Swamp thing a month ago outside the county!

    1. I'll most likely pick him up off Ebay when the price is right.

  5. I've come across Warpath a couple of times at garage sales - always broken though...

    1. Yeah,those TF mini cons are all prone to stress marks and breakage.

  6. HAHA the old want list. I am like you in a way...I have gotten many things I have wanted the past few years but I still have too many things to go. I still have over 600 wrestling customs to do. So many vintage figures to get etc. It is fun as heck.

    1. You don't see want lists anymore in the toy blogosphere.


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