Most Wanted List Pt.2 (Modern)

Here Is a list of modern figures I'd like to acquire at some point.Some will be easy game while others ,not so much.On with the show...


I should have picked this figure up when I had the chance to.It would have only cost me about 9 bucks.Now he goes for about 18 dollars on Ebay.Good chance this figure never makes It Into my collection.But I'd still love to have one.


This guy shouldn't be too hard to wrangle up.   


Something about  the prospect of owning a ginormous Vision that gets me feeling like a  kid again. Look at how  that green  paint pops!Everything about this figure looks awesome,from the color scheme on down to that amazing yellow cape!


I'm hoping TARGET still has these because If I get any X-Mas cash this year,I'm going down there to pick It up!


This one'll be tough to track down.



  1. Cool list Tony. I have that Reeve Superman, snagged him at a flea market a couple months ago, he's ok, but I wouldn't lose my mind over him. Still he makes for a nice display with Zod and Keaton Batman.

    I haven't seen Target with the Elite Forces figures since March, for some reason they don't seem to be stocking them now. Not to say your local one won't have them. Some of the figures in that pack are awesome. It's a great line, I want to see more from them. But if you don't find them, then get to the TRU website, they have their own 5 pack for $20 inc shipping;

    As for Beast and Warpath, HasbroToyShop are having a sale at the moment that you can jump on in their Ebay store;
    Beast @ $7.99
    Warpath @ $7.99

    I'm not sure when their sale ends, but they're providing free shipping as well.

    Sightline looks pretty awesome, I love the story behind his bio, though it is sad.

    I moved to the States with the wife a few months ago for the birth of our baby and I've been hot on the deals lol. Which explains my absence too I hope.

    1. Great news!Welcome to the states,D!That sucks about Target.If mine Is out of them,hopefully they will restock at some point.That HASBRO deal is all kinds of awesome.It's how I snagged up Doc Ock,lol!Hopefully Beast and Warpath will still be there and on sale next week.I heard something about Sightline being named after someone,but I'm not sure who that was.I know he's since passed away.Thanks for the heads up about T"R" US.Nice to hear from you again ;)

    2. Cheers Tony, it's all diapers and formula these days while I trudge through the visa stuff so that I can get my work permit, I'll be 6 months out of work before it gets sorted, a pain in the arse! Haven't had much time to post anything on account of my perfect little princess, but I've picked up some sweet stuff since I got here.

      I've my eye on the HasbroToyShop sale too, I want to nab the Leader Ultra Magnus for $36, waiting for an ebay voucher to roll in, I hope they keep the sale going for another week too. Also take a look at their M.O.D.O.K for their new Playmation line.

      The Sightline figure is named after a chap called Gary Head, he was a very active member of the Joe community, he was great at finding prototypes of the old figures and generally getting folks to share their stuff for a greater appreciation of the brand. He was awesome, I attribute one amazing piece in my collection to him which he was kind enough to send to me out of the blue. Unfortunately he passed last March while shoveling snow from his drive, he was in his mid 30s and has a family behind, it was just so sad, Because of the influence he had as a fan Hasbro got permission from his family to use his name as the file name for Sightline. I knew him online, I wish I had met him.

      I'm always around, but I need to get something posted to show I'm alive lol.

    3. Cheers Tony, it's all diapers and formula these days while I trudge through the visa stuff so that I can get my work permit, I'll be 6 months out of work before it gets sorted, a pain in the arse! Haven't had much time to post anything on account of my perfect little princess, but I've picked up some sweet stuff since I got here.

      I've my eye on the HasbroToyShop sale too, I want to nab the Leader Ultra Magnus for $36, waiting for an ebay voucher to roll in, I hope they keep the sale going for another week too. Also take a look at their M.O.D.O.K for their new Playmation line.

      The Sightline figure is named after a chap called Gary Head, he was a very active member of the Joe community, he was great at finding prototypes of the old figures and generally getting folks to share their stuff for a greater appreciation of the brand. He was awesome, I attribute one amazing piece in my collection to him which he was kind enough to send to me out of the blue. Unfortunately he passed last March while shoveling snow from his drive, he was in his mid 30s and has a family behind, it was just so sad, Because of the influence he had as a fan Hasbro got permission from his family to use his name as the file name for Sightline. I knew him online, I wish I had met him.

      I'm always around, but I need to get something posted to show I'm alive lol.

  2. Toys R'Us are carrying those Elite Forces now Tony.

  3. John beat me to it. Also, I'm not sure if you have Big Lots or similar stores near you, but you might have some luck finding that Reeve Superman there. I remember he was a bit of a peg warmer around here, so you might get him for a good price after all.

    1. Wow,hard to believe that Supes is warming pegs at big lots!I definitely have one around here that i'll have to check out.


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