Marvel Infinite Series - Doc Ock

I must say that I'm not 100 percent liking this version of Doctor Octopus.It's a nice little figure,but not the Ock I really wanted In my Marvel Universe collection.I'm not even sure what they based this look on.If you want to see a solid rendition of  this character,then check out the Marvel Showdown version.This Is a  sturdier figure than the showdown Ock  and the tentacles fit snug enough into four small holes in his back.They can be moved around for different poses and with a little patience and balancing,you might even be able to have Ock hold a figure captive over his head.I'm not crazy about the body or head sculpt.The colors are Doc Ock- esque but the height of the figure Is a bit off.I've always pegged him to be a bit on the shorter,more pudgier side.The head sculpt Is nothing like the 80's comic Doc Ock and Is a bit too narrow up top.To me ,he looks alot like the Doctor Octopus In the Amazing Spider Man animated series.Oh,and watch out for paint slop on these.I didn't realize It until after I took a pic but mine had a small black spot on his hair and some yellow slop on his neck area.I couldn't see It through the packaging ,so If your a nit picker,really look your Ock over before purchasing.Overall he Is a nice figure.When you look at It,you see Doctor Octopus.Just not the iconic Doc Ock of yesteryear .On a scale of 1 to 10,I give It a 7.9 ;)

Easy-tach tentacles!  

Here's new jack Doc Ock next to Original Gangsta Dock Ock.


  1. Looks like her can dispatch Spidey with those tentacles quite handily! I reviewed a more simply articulated Power Arms Doc Ock from the Amazing Spider-Man, which had a backpack for the tentacle gimmick. Loved that Super Powers Doc Ock!

  2. It looks to me like its based on the animated series. I Passed on this one, Ill stick with the one I have here:

    1. That Showdown Ock Is on point!I'm just not crazy about the loose limbs on alot of those figures.Plus I'd have to take out a loan If I ever wanted to score one on Ebay,lol.Guess I'm stuck with rat faced Ock.I like It ,just don't love It.He's fun to mess around with,too.

    2. ...And nice to hear from you again,Brother ;)

  3. Were the legs a little shorter and the head a bit more full I'd like the figure more.

  4. Exactly!Marvel Showdown got It right.


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