Change of Heart

I've come to the realization that I'm not quite yet ready to stop blogging about toys.I half- assed a sneaky exit out of the toy blogosphere,like a parent walking out of their crying kids kindergarten classroom on the first day.I couldn't do it,though.My toy blogs have always done a great job at filling that childhood void that I so desperately need to go back to when my grown up self finds It  hard to wrap It's head around ,well,grown up stuff.I will do one grown up thing,though,and that's apologize for the quick switch and URL change. If you guys can find It In your hearts to forgive me,then you can simply copy and paste the new site address and add Toy Break to your blog rolls :)This time around I will try and do a better a job at commenting on more blogs.Also ,pics will be limited to one or two a post,unless It's a super cool figure or toy that demands the extra camera shots.So there you have It.When things start to speed up all around you and the grown up world begins to move a little too fast for comfort,take a step back into your childhood with a quick Toy Break!


  1. Just because you don't blog regularly doesn't mean you have to quit blogging.

  2. Replies
    1. Very true Buzz.I guess the fact that I wasn't posting regularly got me a little down.Almost like I was letting you guys down. I've also been focusing alot on my Baseball card blog so maybe It's time to find some balance.

  3. Welcome back Tony :) Don't feel pressured to post, do it when you want to, we'll be here. I go a month or more between posts and I'm pretty sure no one gets upset lol. I'll update my link for your site and we'll keep it rolling :) I like the new look.

    1. Thanks D!I've actually got some extra time coming up now so I can get back up to speed.

  4. ? Is this the Tony that got me started in blogging?

  5. ? Is this the Tony that got me started in blogging?

    1. That Is correct.I spazzed a couple days ago and deleted my old blog.I'm starting fresh.

  6. That was a short retirement! I added this one to my blog roll. I will get back to my blog at some point when I feel like I have something to post thats not just a rerun of what everybody else has posted.

    1. I think it was more of a mental pause,lol.I didnt realize how attached i had gotten until I decided to delete AFT.Regret kicked in almost instantly,lol!Thanks for adding the new site Brother.

  7. Glad to hear you're sticking around!


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