Merry Christmas To Me Pt. 3
After watching several YouTube reviews of Super 7's line of cartoon themed GIJoe figures, I decided to give them shot and I'm glad I did. This figure came in a character specific box. I think that's how they ship directly from Super 7 because I've seen them sans box on the pegs at Walmart. The box inside is also bagged for added security and protection. Once you get this out of the bag you'll notice that there is yet another protective sleeve that slides off the actual figure packaging. One thing I noticed after getting Snake Eyes out of the packaging is that the plastic used isn't nearly as hefty/heavy as Hasbro's Classified. I also spotted a little bit of dried glue on the head sculpt which seems to be a constant with this particular figure. That said, this is a beautiful and faithful cartoon representation of one my all time favorites! I'm not crazy about extra hands with...