Figure Fixation
It's that time again,people.A lull has struck and the influx of toys has come to a screeching hault!For a little while anyways.But this Is a good thing because now I get to appreciate what I do have.I used to have a "Favorite 5 Right Now " segment where I would post the 5 figures that I was currently digging the most In my collection.Things have changed a bit as far as how I look at my figures.Yeah there will always be that one that I tend to focus on ,but I'm starting to realize that how I display them plays a big part In what catches my eye the most.It's weird ,I know.But many who know me In real life will tell you that I'm weird ,so, there ya go.So I'm changing these posts name from "Favorite 5 Right Now" to "Figure Fixation".Because that's what happens.I get fixated on a figure for one reason or another,pick It up and take a picture of It.It's kind of like exorcising the fixation. Chameleon here has really grown on me...