
Showing posts from September 29, 2019

Toy Stories

Somehow , amidst all the craziness  going on In my world right now , I've managed to start up a new blog ! The great thing about It Is that you will all be able to take part In it , lol ! I know,you never asked to be part of a new blog . Which Is precisely why I've sent invites to those of you whose email I already have on file . You don't have to accept ;) However , your contributions to the site would be greatly appreciated ! The name of the blog Is "Toy Stories" .  A place where all of us can contribute simply by posting a short , toy related story from our childhood . It's that easy . If you head over to the site ( Toy Stories  ) now  , you can get further instructions on how to go about signing up . I've left an alternate email address there for those of you that are interested In writing for the blog . I'll receive your message and In turn send you an invite. All levels of writers are welcomed . Every 12 posts or so will mark the beginning of a n...