
Showing posts from May 17, 2020

Birthday Haul

I recently got some birthday cash from the parentals and decided It was time to scratch that damn Punisher itch that I haven't been able to successfully get rid of . And that damn Series 4 figure! Well ,read on .... I was pretty excited to get another V.4 Punisher figure . I thought for sure this one would be a keeper . I was wrong :(  The messed up part about the whole thing Is that the leg worked great ! This time It was his shoulder joint  . The previous owner must have crazy glued It in place because It just wouldn't move . Also , you could tell where the glue was applied because there was goop everywhere . So , yeah , this one's going back . And ,yes , another one is on the way.        This purchase was a success  . My first Legends figure ! Actually , I haven't taken him out of the packaging yet so my fingers are crossed .  Down below you'll notice the dreaded v.4  figure. I managed to snap this pic of...