Curate ; select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition). "both exhibitions are curated by the museum's director" Lets start with the first one.How do I select my collection or items In my collection? Very simple. 95 % of It has to have some kind of childhood connection.I had to have at least owned It or wanted It real bad as a kid.Although lately I've been restricting myself ,only acquiring vintage that I owned as a kid.The other 5% Is made up of miscellaneous things that I just think are cool. Second,how do I organize? I guess you could count displaying as organizing as everything that I have displayed Is bunched together according to the line.All my Joes together,all my Marvel Universe together and so on and so forth.I'm too ocd to have It any other way.Once In a while I'll mix a Joe into my Marvel Universe display and vice versa ,but for the most part my figures are segregated....