The Anatomy Of A Toy Room
What makes a great toy room?For me,a toy room has to be more than just toys on a shelf.In order for a toy room to come to life ,you have to treat It like an ecosystem.One collectible directly affects the other ,setting off a nostalgic domino effect enabling us to relive those different phases of our childhood we so deeply enamored .I call It a re-brainwashing .Whatever program we ran on as kids has re-downloaded Itself.Our brains have been taken hostage once again ,resulting In some pretty bad ass action figure blogs,pop culture podcasts and toy rooms among other stagnant and weird behavior!Here's my take on the evolution of it all. With me,It all began with comics.So naturally,my toy room had to have an area displaying some of my favorite childhood titles. While the 80's had It's fair share of box office hits and sentimental favorites,no film made an impact on our young minds like E.T.Thanks to Brother Midnight,this poster hangs...