Hot Wheels discount bins are the ultimate eye catcher.Even If you don't dabble In die cast ,there Is no denying the gravitational pull of a 3 foot high bin overflowing with brightly packaged , multi-colored metallic shininess :) I get sucked In all the time,but never pull the trigger on anything.I don't care much for die cast cars.Not the normal ones.Not even souped up,shark shaped ones.It's a different story when It comes to the Marvel themed Hot-Wheels.I always give those a second look whenever I see them on the pegs,but never picked any up because of the 3 dollar price tag most carry.Well,the other day I was out at my local Wal Mart looking for a wireless mouse w/ mouse pad .Upon finding what I was looking for,I begin walking back towards the checkout line , inevitably passing by that sultry Hot Wheels discount bin. Evil Hot Wheels bin I tell you,pure evil!I didn't expect to find anything In there ,but a dollar bin Is still a dollar bin.I had to give It a quic...