Sometimes,The Hobby Gods Listen
I have been wanting a proper place to display my small collection of comic books,like,forever!I remember how great It was ,walking into those hobby/comic book shops and flipping through the comics on those spinning racks.I've always wanted one of those for my toy room.You know,to give It that hobby shop feeling.Well,today ,while on the way to the grocery store I saw this beauty standing on the curb along with a cat scratching post and some other junk.It almost looked as If the rack was attached to the cat post,so from a distance I thought nothing of it.I got back home to get the dogs ready for a walk ,and on my stroll around the block I couldn't stop thinking about the rack.I had to go back and give It a second look.I'm glad I did! It's not the spinning rack.Hell I'm not even sure If It's even for comic books ,but It works!I've looked up similar racks like this on Ebay and they go for upwards of $300!So,again,If you guys have any idea what this mig...