You Are 8 Years Old.....

...and It's family road trip time again.You're allowed to bring 5 toys/action figures to accompany you on that long drive to sunny Florida.Out of your current collection,what 5 figures make the voyage with?

This one I have to really think about.I would obviously have to include heroes and villains ,but they would have to be versatile enough to get maximum play out of them.One of them would have to fly so I could hold him up to the car window while my dad floors It and pretend that he's airborne. My universe of choice would have to be Marvel.But do I go with vintage Secret  Wars or modern Marvel Universe figures?Below are my choices...

Venom Is a must when you talk about all out brawling and maximum carnage. I'd have him pair up with Wrecker ,who's on the run from  Punisher. Captain America intervenes ,wanting to take Wrecker into custody but Frank Castle has other plans.Meanwhile ....

...Venom Is morphing into this!

It's action figure madness at It's finest!Swingin' a episode In the backseat  like  L.L. Cool J ;)


  1. Tough question. I don't really have any action figures I enjoy "playing with". Can I just bring a Lego set instead? If so, I'd bring the A-Wing fighter I just bought on Friday.

  2. Yes,you certainly can Fuji :)

    1. Sweet. Just gotta figure out how to build it in the back seat without the pieces flying all over the place ;)

  3. Abridged Version

    As a child of parents who were always traveling for work and / or vacation, I actually didn't bring many toys with me when on the road. Instead, my parents would stop at a toy or tape store while in route to our destination and allow us to pick something out to occupy us for the trip. While there was always something in the car with me, I usually got to pick it out myself.

    We did bring a lot of Mad Libs and cassettes with us.

    Long Version

  4. I would have to go with the RGB Slimer, Thundercats Lion-O with light up eyes, TMNT Donatello, Serpentor from G.I. Joe and Skeletor from the Masters of the Universe line! Donny and Lion-O would battle Skeletor and Serpentor for dominance in the car while Slimer was there for comedic relief!

  5. That's an insane mix of figures.No offense but I hated playing with kids who mixed toy lines like that as a kid lol. The only way I'd mix two lines Is If they were the same scale with very similar articulation.I know I was a bit of a stickler.Still am.

    1. Plus I think it was one of the rules to avoid if you owned a Mogwai - Never mix your toy lines.

    2. Which Is why I passed on the one my parents wanted to get me for x mas of '91.I asked for a dog instead.They don't multiply when you wet them but they stink sumthin' fierce!

  6. Spammer,Nah.Me and Obat go way back ;)


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